3-5 Oct 2022 Kyoto (Japan)

Description of the Conference (finished)

Studies of nonlinear wave propagation in a random environment or, forced by a stochastic perturbation are of great importance in the engineering and physics: nonlinear optics, condensed matter physics, fluid mechanics, turbulence analysis. Since Martin Hairer's contribution in the field of stochastic PDEs, singular stochastic parabolic equations were very competitive research subjects these five years, but applications of Hairer's theory are limited for nonlinear singular dispersive equations due to the lack of smoothing properties, although the wave equations can be accessible somehow by case. On the other hand, Bourgain's almost-everywhere approach by the use of Gibbs measure has been well developed, simultaneously the study of the propagation of randomness under the Hamiltonian flow like wave, Schrödinger equations attracts now many researchers in the world. And both are closely related. The purpose of this workshop is to broaden such arguments in the random nonlinear dispersive equations from different and various aspects. 

INI-RIMS networking event

During the workshop, as a networking event between Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge and Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto:  "HYD2 Joint meeting with RIMS Kyoto,''  part of the talks will be shared  with the INI semester HYD2  Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves   https://www.newton.ac.uk/event/hyd2/ 


Registration is now closed. 

Confirmed Speakers

Sandra Cerrai (University of Maryland, College Park)

Aurelien Deya (Universite de Lorraine)

Yukimi Goto (Kyushu University) 

Itsuko Hashimoto (Kanazawa University) 

Masaya Maeda (Chiba University)

Christof Melcher (RWTH Aachen University)

Andrea Nahmod (University of Massachusetts Amherst)

Mamoru Okamoto (Osaka University)

Svetlana Roudenko (Florida International University)

Takiko Sasaki (Musashino University / Tohoku University)

Anne Sophie de Suzzoni (Ecole Polytechnique)

Laurent Thomann (Universite de Lorraine)


Short Communication:

Hirotatsu Nagoji (Kyoto University)

Minami Watanabe (Tsuda College)





Anne de Bouard (Ecole Polytechnique, France)

Reika Fukuizumi (Tohoku University, Japan)

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